Self Promotion

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For one of our first briefs, we were tasked to create our own branding. To create a logo, a cover letter, a business card, a visual CV and platforms in which the logo would look different on.
As My favourite part of the creative triangle is 'The Big Idea' I needed to create something to reflect this! Looking at the first letter of my name O, I thought about using a shape to represent that. Furthering this idea, I thought about the line of work I wanted to go into: Events, and came up with the idea of using tessellation within my business cards to build up a net. So one card is only one part of the picture. I then incorporated this idea of being a part of a bigger picture into my CV. Therefore where the business card logo is at the top would be a blank space and could only be filled by slotting in my business card. Going onto create my logo, I was having some trouble finding colours to use. I then came up with the idea of using pattern as my background instead of just colour. Looking into my aspired line of work, I came up with the 4 stages of interacting with people: Seeing - Eyes, Shaking hands - fingertips, Talking - Mouth and listening - Ears. I then used this within my logo and as the background to my business cards. Keeping the idea of tessellation in mind, I then tessellated the singular icons into my logo around the O. For my visual CV, I wanted something that was simple and easy to read, but also something that I would be able to recreate with my own indesign and photoshop skills. I chose a layout that I thought would fit with my organised persona well and went with that. 

Visual CV
Cover Letter
Back of business card

Logo on different platforms

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