Data Documentation

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For a part of our Moving Manifesto research, we were asked to collect data visually about ourselves! Seeing as technology plays such a leading role in the emersion of fashion at the moment, I decided to document the amount of snapchats I took in a weekend, and the times that I was taking them the most. Here are 2 images of the data I collected.
From this, I gathered that people generally only take snapchats/ social media images when they are doing things that are exciting, or when they look their best. Thus, we want to create a perception that we are the vision of "perfect" that society says we should be. Looking into databases such as 'selfie city', it shows that we mostly create our online presence based on positivity, but this is an unrealistic aim. Everyone has ups and downs, we just choose not to document the latter.
In my moving manifesto I then came to the idea that I would ask the question "How do you want to be perceived", taking pictures of the image they would upload to social media, and the image that is more REAL and everyday.

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