Lord Whitney Week

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The Lord Whitney week was probably my favourite week on university so far! I really enjoyed the fun and more relaxed atmosphere of the project and also the way we were able to just immerse ourselves within it. I must prefer that way of working on something solidly for 2 whole days rather than bits at a time. I was amazed by how much can be done with recycled materials, the fact that they had worked with photographers such as Rankin and with Missoni for a fashion film was inspiring as it showed me how fashion wants to be original, fresh and fun.
I was certainly inspired by the thinking outside the box attitude that Lord Whitney have. I am a very logical and strategical person, so when we came up with the idea of making a whole world under the sea and making costumes for ourselves to be the creatures, it was a HUGE jump for me.
Our set actually took up the entire wall of the fashion room and was massive, and although I was skeptical about whether we would get it all done or not, we managed to pull it off and I was really happy that we did. The finished product was a bit rough and ready, but the ideas and creativeness that was out into it can be seen and that was a big lesson for me to learn. That things don't always have to look perfect to be good, sometimes the idea is the best part of it.
If we were to do the task again, I think we would plan our time a bit more effectively so that the execution could have been better. We would also make sure the camera was stable so that each shot was exactly the same space rather than moving it from time to time.
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