Quality is everything! Throwing good money at advertising isn't the answer, you need to have exceptional products in the marketplace. The story you put around it defines it and who its aimed at. It is how you differentiate one brand from another. After all, branding isn't about creating things, its about creating differences. You need to create consistent feelings rather than consistent logos. Brands work best when they are built on real values. However in order to do this, they need to know what it is that makes them different.
Buyers in our generation have all the information they need at the touch of the web, so sometimes getting it wrong is actually getting it right! Brands that don't show flaws don't make or keep friends or followers. They like to see that you are REAL.
A brand is made up of 3 elements: price, function and emotion. For example: Ryan air are based on price, British Airways are function and Virgin are emotion. With emotion, people tend to love you beyond all reason. Also, creating a positive message is key! Where Nicorette should be STOP or QUIT, they use START to create a more positive message and encourage people to create that emotional bond.
Coke were probably the first to understand the power of branding, a great brand is one that you can break, but its still recognisable. What you're offering has to be 100% clear and why they should care about that! The brand has no control over reviews anymore, it is all down to the consumer and its hard to keep people. Brands always fact a cross roads; keep their generation audience and adapt or let them go and start to target the younger audience. In order to achieve originality in targeting different audiences, you need to abandon the comforts of habit, you HAVE to go the opposite way.
In a generation of 'right now' and 'instant' products, no one wants to wait anymore, and the persona is "own less, rent more" its experiences we want. Taking this into account, review and trail are worth more than advertising, don't just assume that buyers want to be your friends.
Social media is easy to do, badly! Don't take yourself too seriously on social media, tag images well and then use the same names everywhere else. Thank people for their comments and get a social media gang going. Gather a community on Facebook and pay for boosted posts to advertise more successfully! Studies show that a photo is guaranteed 5X more engagement rather than text! 80% of photos should be appealing to the kind of audience you want to attract, and 20% should be scene setters. Make sure you document EVERYTHING! Taking pictures of consumers is very effective as they then share it! Make your social media real, engage with them! Retweets are so powerful to the internet and getting your brand/product out there! Use images on twitter, and make sure you reward your following!
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