The Importance of Pinterest

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I had always heard of people using Pinterest in the past, however it was always one of those things I said I would get round to doing (on the list with 99 other things) but just never did. I was never really too sure what it was about, but I had seen that a lot of Bloogers used it as a follow button so presumed it was something creative. 
BUT never until now have I realised how amazing Pinterest actually is! Obviously Tim Rundle's (my lecturer) Pinterest is TO DIE FOR! You think I'm joking...but if you had seen all the little green men on every girls shoulder in the lecture theatre when he was showing us all his collections, you would agree. 


So who knew that there would be real benefits to a fun social networking site. I know we all try and convince ourselves that when we are procrastinating for hours on Facebook and Instagram, that we are actually doing something beneficial (other than our work that we should be doing) but we're really not. Pinterest completely solves this problem! You are able to procrastinate AND be productive (and you don't even realise it) WELL not quite, but it is a very useful networking tool. 
It can allow you to create contacts with other brands that may follow you and enjoy you work, and even get some work with those brands.
Its like a mini online portfolio.
Its a great place to collate all your images and findings for when you might need them, and therefore a great starting point of projects and inspiration!

Check out my pinterest at:

I can safely say that when I have the time to spend hours on it researching the latest trends and fashion photography for the season I really do love it! 

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