My First Project

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So its time to really get stuck into the course... lets go and get arty farty! So a few weeks ago we were set our first project. To pick a designer who we liked and collect images, materials, articles, anything at all that we felt related to the designer of our choice. Once doing that we had to decide what it was about that designer that made them different to the others - what made them stand out! 
I decided to chose Urban Outfitters, although I have to say I am a major fan of Topshop, Ubran have their own unique style that is always running consistently, whereas Topshop are constantly changing their inside appearance to fit in with the latest styles and trends.

When thinking about what really makes Urban Outfitters different I came up with these points:

- Urban (obviously)
- More Experimental
- Edgy
- Industrial Materials used on the inside decor
- Wood
- Metal
- 1950's feel to the place
- technology (they don't just sell clothes in there) 
- Vintage 

So after collating a LOT of images, my desk looked a little something like this 

After a bit more editing and quite a lot of hours at home working on it, I finally created my first mood board! Look at me adapting to the life of an artsy fashion student (without ever actually doing anything remotely similar to art...or fashion)

I have to admit, being the little geek that I am. My favourite part of the entire thing would definitely have to be going to John Lewis and going through all their material for hours, picking the right few that I wanted and looking for the most retro prints!! I loved it! 

O x
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