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So I have been a little absent in regards to my studies recently, but as you may have seen, I've been doing my inner DORA THE EXPLORER justice by going on my travels (and booking some more for summer!) 
But it was back to the drawing board today with my first day back, back into the swing of lecture, seminars, coursework, reading, dance training and when I can fit it in the odd night out and a bit of a social life! 

As always, the morning caramel hot chocolate with soya milk from Starbucks was bought (in my reusable cup!) and along I went to be introduced to the start of my second semester of first year which will lead me to the end of my first year! VERY SCARY! 

What I learnt and how to Apply it . . .
Todays lecture had a main focus on Research preparing us for the in depth research will will need to be doing during the initial 4 weeks of our course. Defining what kind of niche we want to select as our target market for the perfume we will be creating. 

There are 4 stages of product launch: 

Pre-launch: What are you going to initially do to excite people 
Media angles: each angle gives you a different way to spin your story to target different sections of your consumer market
The Launch: VNR - Video News Release of the launch that then gets sent out to them as a form of advertisement. Interlink your main idea into the theme of the launch so the press get an overwhelming feel of what the product is all about
Everything goes online and into retail: Need to keep the theme ongoing in store and keep the momentum going with the press. Promote what they have been saying ect.
Post events: things happening everyday (or on days after) in order to keep press coverage 


Collect all research and document it as you never know when you might need it! 
Record interviews for our fume research in order to use the information in later stages of the project. Document all research visually as you can accredit yourself for picture references. 

Researching the Perfume Market
1. How do independent perfume retailers market themselves in comparison to branded perfume
2. How to the cheaper perfumes advertise themselves in comparison to more expensive
3. How different smells advertise themselves
4. Whats the most popular persona of perfume (fruity and flirty, young and floral, heavy and sensual ect) 
5. Best Sellers: what persona do they have, whats the pricing and are they independent or branded
6. What kind of consumers do the low end and high end perfumes have
7. Whats the difference in packaging for high end and low end
8. Whats the different packaging for the different personas/themes and which is more popular
9. How much influence do the celebrities have on their own perfumes and does that make a difference to the success of the perfume 
10. Shapes of bottles and overall appearance in relation to price and successfulness 
11. Which perfumes drop in price quickly and which hold their pricing 

What to ask
1. What perfume do you wear and why? what is it about it that you like? 
2. When do you tend to wear it most and why? 
3. What attracts you to the perfume in the first place?
4. Do you buy more independent or branded?
5. Do you tend to buy from a certain persona/theme of perfume?
6. Are you swayed or put off by the pricing of perfumes?

1. What are your most popular perfumes sold?
2. Do you stock more branded or independent and which sells more
3. Whats the difference in pricing of the 2?
4. Do the more expensive perfumes sell more?
5. What niche/persona sells more?

What place of market
Is it independent niche
celebrity endorsed
low market

Who are you asking, which stores
Depending on your niche in the market, it will define what kind of consumer to ask and which stores you will need to research and visit. 

John Lewis 
Marc Jacobs, Dior, Chloe

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them"
                                                                                                                              - Aristotle

O x

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