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Back to the grind, its second year already and I'm sitting in my new house (all very grown up) researching through my new Uni books coming up with some kind of structure for my first assignment! We have been briefed to create a poster reflecting an era, so I have chosen the 60s and 70s, purely because I feel those were a time where so many exciting changes were happening, and fashion was becoming a bit scandalous! With some of my favourites being Twiggy, Eddie Sedgwick, Jean Shrimpton and Vivienne Westwood, I really enjoyed researching this project. Looking through how social changes effected not only fashion but also art and architecture was also incredibly inspiring for me! I enjoyed this project so much, that I watched the film Factory Girl, expressing the crazy lives of Andy Warhol and Eddie Sedgwick.

I loved this film so much, although I felt as though it showed a completely different light to Andy Warhol and what he was really like. Despite the fact these icons lived incredibly highlife lifestyles its hard to imagine them as real people today. Living in the moment and creating whatever you wanted to be seemed to be possible back long as you have the right amount of money, of course! 
The final outcome of my poster was this, although my poster seemed to be more 50/50 with images and writing, instead of just a visual. If I were to do this again I would have liked to have played around a bit more with the visuals and created something that didn't need writing to explain exactly what it was about. I loved the iconic Mondarin painting that was influencing all creative outlets at the time, and therefore tried to recreate this through my poster but without being too 'in-your-face' about it.

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