Nyc Day Six

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Day 6 - Our Last Day :(

Starting the day early by packing our bags and having a shower, we then headed out onto 5th Avenue,  to do some gift shopping for our loved ones back home

Working up quite the appetite, my friend Immi said that we just HAD to go to the Polish Tea Rooms to get breakfast! However she failed to mention that the other reason it was called the Polish tea rooms was down to the people who worked there being Polish, which made it significantly awkward when I asked them straight out whether it was called the Polish Tea rooms and he replied "thats what they call us, yes" Typical Livy making situations awkward since 1993! Anyway once we were over that and actually realised its real name was the Edison Hotel Cafe we ordered our breakfast and how lovely it was!

Being a trainer freak, I couldn't go to New York and not take a trip to Nike Town! However to my dismay I actually didn't like any of the trainers they had out, so it was a massive let down for me! although the store itself of course was very impressive, I would have preferred to leave with a pair of trainers!

Finally we got a taxi back to Macys (because we are lazy) and had some more Pizza and Auntie Anne's strawberry lemonade WHICH IS WONDERFUL its so tasty! I wish we had one over here in the UK! 

Then we headed back to the hotel to get on the coach back to JFK airport :( SO sad! But at least our flights were amazing, they had the most recent films that had been released and such a massive selection at that! There was even season 5 of Breaking Bad!

It really was just such an incredible trip and lived up to my expectations PLUS WAY MORE! I felt like a little New Yorker by the time I left, knowing how the subway and the grid system worked and navigating my way round everywhere. It was great to just be left along to explore till whatever time we wanted (it felt weird not having to be back at the hotel by like 10 in the evening). I know I will be going there again, and I no longer feel scared about being in places I don't particularly know, because now I know I'll be able to find my way wherever I am!

O x
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