Well if you answer is no, then you were the same as me...
I found todays lecture really interesting when talking about what we personally think plays an important role within the fashion industry today, and if we were a business starting out, what we would encourage the business to be a part of.
I felt that a main focus should be on instagram and the incorporation of brands branching out to our younger generation by posting their latest stock, their shop windows, special offers, trends, colour palettes and outfit ideas, on the site in order to draw us in as consumers.
Looking through instagram now, it is rare that a well known brand or company will not be on there posting their latest updates, even more so with the idea of hash tagging now, you can find any image someone has posted with that hashtag.
The Shop Window
Another one of our teams mentioned the importance of shop windows drawing in the consumer. Companies such as Harrods and Selfridges & Co spend thousands on their shop windows, especially at Christmas to do just that! The more high-end, expensive and luxurious the shop window looks, the more high-end customers it is likely to draw in. Highlighting just how important a shop window is for the overall brand essence and value in the consumers mind.

The Shop Experience
The shop experience plays a vital part within the fashion industry and consumerism. In order for me to go back into a shop, I need to have enjoyed the overall experience, ease to walk around, layout, displays, politeness of staff. A tactical way of doing this is by using the display. Setting them out as a journey - Dress, Jacket, Tights and then the shoes are usually located at the back of the store, so as you walk around you create your outfit. Topshop are a good example of this, they create colour schemes and different sections: pastels, knitwear, punk rock 80's, smart wear, dresses, coats ext as well as having an accessories section, shoes at the back and dressed up mannequins at the front to set out outfit and trend ideas for you.
Chanel is also a good example of the shop experience as they make you feel exclusive, you may have only bought a £20 lipstick, however they package in up in a lovely box with ribbon and then into a branded bag, making you come out feeling a million dollars!
Lighting is also effective and should be unique to the overall brand, for example foot asylum has quite a dull cool lighting to reflect its modern hipster feel on the dark wooden interior.
Is the Internet Replacing Shops?
Back to my main point, although shop experiences are nice to have, how many times have you just thought...ahh its raining outside so ill just have a browse online instead of going out. With the use of online shopping now being introduced to just about every company, the experience of the high street is decreasing slowly. With shop windows, new seasons of clothes, trends and special offers all being promoted on social media sites such as instagram, Facebook and twitter our generation is receiving all the information we need and can access it all from our bedroom!! Its could only be a matter of time before our bedroom becomes the only shop source we have...
making the need for an exquisite shop experience even more vital now than ever before, or the shop experience could be diminished completely.
Livy x
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